HSE Policy



Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Policy


At HALEYS, we are unwavering in our commitment to the highest standards of HSE performance. We recognize that the well-being of our employees, the safety of our operations, and the protection of the environment are integral to our success. Our HSE policy is guided by the following principles:

Work Safety

We firmly believe that no task is so urgent or important that it cannot be performed safely. We empower our employees to stop work and intervene when encountering inappropriate behavior or unacceptable conditions, ensuring a safety-first culture

Risk Assessment

We identify, assess, and effectively manage risks to the health and safety of individuals, property, and the environment within our work. We prioritize areas for improvement to prevent accidents and incidents.

Culture of Involvement

We foster a culture where every individual actively sets a good example and participates in promoting, adopting, and sharing best HSE practices. Every team member plays a role in building a safe and sustainable environment.

HSE Planning

We develop comprehensive HSE plans to drive continual improvement in HSE performance. We openly report and assess our HSE performance, measuring achievements against our plans and objectives. Any shortcomings are addressed with corrective actions.

Incident Learning

We treat incidents, near misses, and hazards as valuable learning opportunities. We encourage reporting and analysis to prevent recurrence and continuously improve our HSE practices.

Supplier and Contractor Selection

We carefully select subcontractors and suppliers based on their ability to meet our stringent safety, health, and environmental requirements. We hold our partners to the same high standards we set for ourselves.

Leadership and Commitment

The leadership team at HALEYS visibly demonstrates a strong commitment to maintaining high standards of health, safety, and environmental performance. We set the example for all employees, ensuring that HSE is a fundamental aspect of our business operations.

Our HSE Policy is not just a statement; it is a commitment to protecting the well-being of our people, safeguarding property, and preserving the environment. It is endorsed by the leadership team at HALEYS and is binding on all employees. We actively seek opportunities for continuous improvement and progress toward our goal of a safe, healthy, and sustainable future for all.


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